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"Objectification” 《物化》

“Objectification”  《物化》

Artist: NG Tsz Kwan
Exhibition title: No Boundaries: Reinterpreting Palace Museum Culture
Show period: From now on till end June 2023
Venue: Gallery 7, Hong Kong Palace Museum

展覽:古今無界 — 故宮文化再詮釋

“Objectification” is inspired by the rich heritage embedded in Chinese artifacts. The artist believes that the museum space and display have overshadowed the original interpretation of the artifact exhibits. Through this installation, which is filled with whitened ‘antiquities’, The artist hopes to re-establish a direct connection between audiences and objects. With interactive lighting effects, Ng invites the viewers to explore their readings of the Palace Museum collection when it is detached and disengaged from the historical context.

《物化》從中國文物的多層意義中獲得啟迪。藝術家相信博物館中展示的文物會被外表或環境模糊了觀眾對物件本身原始的理解,故希望以直接的方式重新連繫 「觀眾」與「物件」。《物化》為觀眾創造了一個滿佈白色「文物」的空間,配合互動的光影效果,邀請觀眾與由歷史背景中抽離的故宮藏品重新「相遇」,發掘屬於自己的理解與感受。

Thank you.
"Objectification” 《物化》

"Objectification” 《物化》


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